3D example (not mine!): ocean wave simulation.
source: invertMatrix
and premultiplyMatrix
are "flat" ⇒ high speed!
☆ http://glat.info/flatorize
Instead of a value computation:
cplx = function (re,im) { return [ re, im ]; };
...write an expression computation:
cplx = FZ('re,im', function (re,im) { return [ re, im ]; });
...which generates:
function cplx(re,im) { return [ re, im ]; }
Guillaume Lathoud – http://glat.info
3D example (not mine!): ocean wave simulation.
source: invertMatrix
and premultiplyMatrix
are "flat" ⇒ high speed!
☆ http://glat.info/flatorize
Instead of a value computation:
cadd = function (a,b) { return cplx( creal(a) + creal(b), cimag(a) + cimag(b) ); }
...write an expression computation:
cadd = FZ('a,b', function (a,b) { return cplx( FZ.expr( creal(a), '+', creal(b) ), FZ.expr( cimag(a), '+', cimag(b) ) ); });
...which generates:
function cadd(a,b) { return [ (a[0]) + (b[0]), (a[1]) + (b[1]) ]; }
Guillaume Lathoud – http://glat.info
3D example (not mine!): ocean wave simulation.
source: invertMatrix
and premultiplyMatrix
are "flat" ⇒ high speed!
☆ http://glat.info/flatorize
Instead of a value computation:
f = function(a,b,c) { return csub( csub(a,cadd(b,c)), cadd(b,c) ); }
...write an expression computation:
f = FZ('a,b,c', function(a,b,c) { return csub( csub(a,cadd(b,c)), cadd(b,c) ); });
...which generates:
function f(a, b, c) { var _0 = (b[0]) + (c[0]), _1 = (b[1]) + (c[1]); return [ - _0 + (- _0 + (a[0])), - _1 + (- _1 + (a[1])) ]; }
☆ Examples: complex, matmul, Discrete Fourier Transform.
☆ Results. About an order of magnitude faster.
☆ Further speedup: try with asm.js