* ./tomrec.xhtml & ./tomrec_web.js: forbade the use of `arguments` within a function to be unrolled. The error appears automatically in the interactive area after one pressed the "eliminate tail calls" button.
* Implementation: the call `tt.check_tree_no_arguments( top_ftree );` in ./tool.tailopt.unroll.js
* Unit test: ./test.unit.tailopt.no_arguments.js
* Rationale:
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:proper_tail_calls
// " Since ES5/strict and ES-Harmony
// "
// " * poisons .caller and .arguments,
// " * prohibits .caller from revealing a strict function,
// " * poisons arguments.callee and arguments.caller, and
// " * does not join arguments with parameters
// "
// " all calls in possible tail position MAY safely be implemented as PTC by our gc semantics safety rule.
* ./tomrec.xhtml & ./tomrec_web.js: the interactive area now reports syntax error and tailopt errors after one pressed the "eliminate tail calls" button.
* Moved to Python 2.7
* ./tool.tailopt.unroll.js - Added an error detection when trying to tail-optimize "impure" code, i.e. code that mixes tail calls and non-tail calls. This should help people to get a clearer idea of what tail calls are.
* Example of impure code:
function no_tail_sum(pair) {
return _sum( 0, pair ); // <<<<< tail call (OK)
function _sum( acc, x ) {
if (typeof x === 'object' && 2 === x.length)
acc = _sum( acc, x[0] ); // <<<<< non-tail call on the function `_sum` that `tailopt` is trying to unwrap -> meaningless result
acc = _sum( acc, x[1] ); // <<<<< non-tail call on the function `_sum` that `tailopt` is trying to unwrap -> meaningless result
return acc;
return acc + x;
// >>> 21
* For more "impure" examples, see the unit test: ./test.unit.tool.tailopt.not_a_tailcall.js
* Implementation details: look for: checkthrow_all_calls_removed in ./tool.tailopt.unroll.js
// Throws an Error if (1) the code `ret` has a syntax error or
// (2) not all calls have been removed.
// (2) makes sure all calls to dependencies have been removed,
// i.e. makes sure that the original code does NOT contain any
// non-tail call to a function it *also* tail calls.
// Test added after receiving feedback from Nikita Vasilev on
// 2011-12-09
* Added a safety to test.unit.js to make sure all tests are properly run.
* Details: look for: auto_test_arr.sort();
* Fixed bug concerning the translation of variable names in a specific "homonyms" case.
* Added unit test for it.
* Details: The bug was that this:
function homonyms (a, b) { return sub(a, b); function sub(a, b) { return { a : a, b : b }; } }
was mistakenly tail-optimized into this:
function homonyms(a,b)
var undef,a,b,sub,a0,b0;
a0=a; b0=b;
_L_sub_: while(true)
return {a0:a0,b0:b0}; // <<< Bug: The object keys should have been `a` and `b`.
Added the "homonyms" unit test case in ./test.unit.tailopt_str.js,
then fixed the bug in `ttu.mapper_gen` in ./tool.tailopt.unroll.js
Now the above example is correctly tail-optimized into this:
function homonyms(a,b)
var undef,a,b,sub,a0,b0;
a0=a; b0=b;
_L_sub_: while(true)
return {a:a0,b:b0}; // <<< Fixed: The object keys are correct: `a` and `b`.
* narcissus.jsparse.js: added the string constant
* narcissus.jsdef.js: dropped the eval in the const generation
to be able to pass narcissus.jsdef.js through a build system.
* narcissus.jsparse.js: added from.req() safety to make sure
narcissus.jsdef.js is fully interpreted first. The code should
still work without from.js .
* narcissus.jsparse.js: removed "callable RegExp object" SpiderMonkey
extension, replacing:
} else if ((match = opRegExp(input))) {
} else if ((match = opRegExp.exec(input))) {
* jscheck_web.js: added Opera workaround for textarea editing.
* narcissus.jsparse.js: removed Array.splice SpiderMonkey extension.
This line:
var a = operands.splice(operands.length - arity);
was replaced with:
var a = operands.splice(operands.length - arity, arity);
* narcissus.jsparse.js and narcissus.jsdef.js: fixed small details
(extra comma, missing var) so that both now pass JSCheck without
* narcissus.jsparse.js: Added detection of empty child expressions cases,
such as [ 'a', , 'b', 'c' ]
// Always use push to add operands to an expression, to update start and end.
Np.push = function (kid) {
>>> The next two lines were inserted
if (!kid)
throw this.tokenizer.newSyntaxError('Empty child expression!');
<<< End of insertion
if (kid.start < this.start)
this.start = kid.start;
if (this.end < kid.end)
this.end = kid.end;
return Array.prototype.push.call(this, kid);
* jsdef.js & jsparse.js: Fixed unreliable order bug "for (var a in opTypeNames)"
introducing opTypeNamesArr. Now opRegExpSrc works in Rhino 1.6 as well.
* jsdef.js & jsparse.js: In keywords, removed __proto__ spidermonkey extension,
replaced it with hasOwnProperty. Now keywords(id) works in Rhino 1.6 as well.
* Wrote a.html & a.js test case
* Got Narcissus to work on Firefox by replacing the three __defineProperty__ / __defineGetter__ in jsparse.js
* Fixed comment detection issue in line 140 of jsparse.js, replacing:
if (!(match = /^\/(?:\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\/.*)/(input)))
if (!(match = /^\/(?:\*(?:[\S\s])*?\*\/|\/.*)/(input)))
* First successful run of the test case a.html
* With FF 3.5.8 added a truth test with out.toSource